Participants at the workshop at Makerere. Photo: Cindy Horst
Participants at the workshop at Makerere. Photo: Cindy Horst

This last in-person workshop that took place in Kampala, Uganda, from 21 to 27 June 2023, consisted of two parts: 1) the AidAccount team meeting to discuss progress, learn about the humanitarian lab and discuss the final project year, and 2) an academic workshop with external participants. The aim of the week was to receive sufficient input to finalize project publications.

The academic workshop included ten external participants out of which seven presented papers. Over two days, after an introduction to the project and the relational humanitarianism theoretical framework, papers were discussed in the following sessions: I) Spatial perspectives, II) New technologies, III) Locally-embedded humanitarianism, IV) Transnational humanitarianism, V) Refugee self-reliance. On the last day, a paper was presented on local forms of accountability, after which the participants spent the morning in an interactive session exploring learning from the workshop.