Welcome to a breakfast seminar with professor Shin-wha Lee, Ambassador for International Cooperation on North Korean Human Rights, Republic of Korea.
Human rights are universal values that should be upheld by all humanity, transcending politics. However, the issue of North Korean human rights often becomes a subject of political contention. In her presentation, ambassador Lee will delve into three key aspects: 1) The nature and list of North Korean human rights issues, 2) The significance of addressing these issues, and 3) Actions for international cooperation required to address them. Furthermore, she will explore the interconnectedness between North Korean human rights and global/regional security concerns, emphasizing how mainstreaming human rights can serve as a foundation for achieving peace.
PRIO's Director **Henrik Urdal**will welcome and PRIO Senior Researcher Ilaria Carrozza will chair the event.
Keynote speaker
Shin-wha Lee , Ambassador for International Cooperation on North Korean Human Rights, Republic of Korea and Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations
Dr. Lee's previous positions include Post-doc fellow at Harvard University's Center for International Affairs (CFIA); Special advisor to UNSG Kofi Annan’s Rwandan Independent Inquiry; Chair's advisor of East Asian Vision Group (EAVG), Full-time visiting professor at Columbia University, International board member of GR:EEN, Europe, Vice President for international affairs at Korea University; Chair of Research Committee of Seoul Forum for International Affairs (SFIA); Visiting scholar at MIT’s Center for International Studies (CIS) ), UN Secretary General's Advisory Group Member of Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), Member of Committee on Public Diplomacy, Republic of Korea; Advisor of Korean Army Development; and Member of Ministry of Defense Requirement Verification Committee. She received her Ph.D. from University of Maryland at College Park.
Comments by:
Stein Tønnesson, Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Ed Brown, Secretary General, Stefanus Alliance International
A light breakfast will be served from 8:30am.