Afghanistan week crop 2. Illustration: NACAF
Afghanistan week crop 2. Illustration: NACAF

International sanctions, freezing of Bank of Afghanistan’s reserves and restrictions on bank transfers pose strong limitation on the Afghan economy. Taliban has therefore looked towards regional neighbours for trade and investment, countries less concerned over human rights than regional stability.

The Taliban administration has invited for collaboration and invested in road and rail infrastructure, as a road towards China through the Wakan corridor and railways to Iran and Uzbekistan. This to facilitate regional trade, electricity and gas transfers and potentially link up China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) rail networks in Central Asia and in Pakistan. China and Chinese companies, already active in Afghanistan during the Republic, have increased their presence and investments since USA’s departure. This includes the Afghan mining sector, where extractions of copper have started from the Mez Aynak reserves, but also oil and gas exploration in the Amu Darya basin.

While trade with Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan has increased has tension with Pakistan reduced their cross-border trade. Pakistan accuses the Taliban administration of housing the Pakistani Taliban and the Islamic State Khorasan Group (ISKG) have claimed responsibility for increasing number of attacks on Chinese projects, embassies and nationals in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The seminar will discuss if Afghanistan can provide a safe regional energy and trade corridor, if China is likely to withdraw or rather increase their diplomatic efforts, if China’s approach differs from other regions they invest in, and if regional trade can become a major source of income for the Taliban administration?


  • William Byrd, Senior Afghanistan Expert at the U.S Institute of Peace
  • Ilaria Carrozza, Senior Researcher at PRIO

The panel will be moderated by Arne Strand, Senior Researcher at Chr. Michelsen's Institute (CMI)

Click here to read the full biography of the panelists