![Security Dialogue celebrating 50 years logo. PRIO](https://cdn.cloud.prio.org/images/SDat50.jpg?x=1500&y=1000&m=Scale&hp=Center&vp=Center&ho=0&vo=0&)
Critique frequently has normative ambitions but few ways to actualize them. Security Dialogue's celebratory special issue on Doing and mediating Critique' goes right to the core of what this journal is all about as it explores the challenges of critique in Critical Security Studies.
Like any practice critique is a practical activity. Doing critique refers to the socio-material practice of knowledge product that support our everyday research - the embodied work of critique — and are also always involved in the mediating of critique. By working through questions of ethics, expertise, authority, policies, failure, and companionship, the contributors break new ground in Critical Security Studies.
The issue has been edited by Jonathan Austin, Rocco Bellanova and Mareile Kaufmann. The amazing line-up of contributors include: Debbie Lisle & Heather Johnson; Claudia Aradau & Jef Huysmans; Matthias Leese, Kristoffer Lidén & Blagovesta Nikolova; Laura Sjoberg and, last but not least; J Peter Burgess. Available here:https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/sdib/current