This book is the result of a NUPI conference. Preface, or some thoughts on what brought the Soviet empire down and what is the future of Russia (Jakub M. Godzimirski) The Soviet Union – a Case of Imperial Overstretch (Kristian Gerner) The National Factor in the Former Soviet Union: Reasons, Forces, and Consequences (Ian Bremmer) The Russian Military: Too Many Wars, Too Little Politics (Pavel Baev) A Decade of Betrayals – On the Role of Trust in Russian Economic Reform (Stefan Hedlund) Russia and the World: Changing Paradigms of Russian Foreign and Security Policy under Yeltsin and Putin (Aleksander Sergounin) The Russian State in 2001: Stability or Rigor Mortis? (Martin Nicholson) The Russian Federation: The Ten Past and Future Years of Statehood (William V. Smirnov)
Baev, Pavel K. (2003) The Russian Military: Too Many Wars, Too Little Politics, in The Russian Federation - Ten Years of Statehood: What Now?. Oslo (55–68).