Despite being one of the most important sites of the ‘global war on terror’ little is known about the effects of military interventions in Africa on governance, conflict and politics in the continent. With a wider range of outside actors being involved, a great variety of interventions (ranging from air strikes to ‘train and equip’ programmes) and a history of outside involvement in military affairs that dates back to the colonial era, academic attention is urgently needed.
An upcoming workshop organised by PRIO researchers Øystein H. Rolandsen and Nicholas Marsh aims to develop sustained study on military interventions in Africa through examining their long term effects and inter-connections; in ways that will also provide useful insights about interventions outside of Africa. This workshop is introduced with a public panel discussion:
- Overview of aid and intervention in Africa, Will Reno and Nic Marsh (PRIO)
- An African perspective on intervention, Nelson Alusala (Institute for Security Studies, South Africa)
- Historicising African Militaries: Problematising State and Non-State Armed Forces, Miles Larmer (African Studies Centre, University of Oxford)
- Recent and Future Trends in African Militaries, Maggie Dwyer (Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh)
Discussant: Robert Mood (PRIO)
Chair: Kristin Bergtora Sandvik (PRIO)
Lunch will be served for all participants.
The event is co-financed by the MFA, RCN and PRIO.