Welcome to the second breakfast seminar in the series PSYOPS: The Psychology of Political Struggle - organized jointly by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Department of Psychology, University of Oslo & Psychology Students Without Borders (PUG).
This presents research and work with migration issues and refugees. Among the topics is how we can look at migration issues in a larger context, and treatment of refugees who have been subjected to torture. The major refugee crisis in recent times makes this a very topical and important theme.
Breakfast and coffee will be served.
08:45: Breakfast
09:15: Jørgen Carling, Research Professor at PRIO: Migration as a research field, and awareness of broader migration themes.
09:40: Nora Sveaass, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, UiO: Work with refugees and the treatment of refugees who have been subjected to torture and other abuses.
10:05: Questions from the audience
Please note that there are limited seats at Forsamlingssalen. Therefore we recommend you to come early and enjoy a nice breakfast with us.