Friday’s Business Meeting and Award Ceremony at the 56th Annual Convention of the International studies Association in New Orleans provided double honors for Halvard Buhaug, Research Professor, Leader of the Conditions of Violence and Peace Department and Adjunct Professor at NTNU.
First, Halvard was awarded the Karl Deutsch Award, an annual mid-career award that recognizes scholars in International Relations under age 40 or within ten years of defending their dissertation. The winner of the award ‘is judged to have made (through a body of publications) the most significant contribution to the study of International Relations and Peace Research.’
A list of the previous recipients of the Deutsch awardis found here, among these last year's winner, PRIO associate Erica Chenoweth. Halvard Buhaug is the first winner of the award with a PhD from a European university and with his entire career outside North America. His CV is found here.
Secondly, Halvard’s 2013 book Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War (with Lars Erik Cederman & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, both associated with PRIO) was awarded the ISA Annual Best Book of the Year Award. For a description of the award and a list previous winners, see here. This is the first time the award is won by Nordic scholars.
The same book won three publication awards in 2014, from the Conflict Research Society (UK), the Conflict Processes Section of the American Political Science Association, and the Network of European Peace Scientists.