The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD course Conflict Trends to take place in Oslo on 10-12 September 2018. The deadline for applications is 11 June.
Is the world becoming more peaceful? Are more people killed in terrorist attacks today than 30 years ago? Can we expect more conflict in the future? The impression we get from the media certainly is gloomy. But what does the numbers and facts tell us? This course will give an overview of conflict trends based on large conflict datasets on conflict related variables. It will provide a better understanding of the larger global trends in the world, and give better insight to both academics, policy-makers and practitioners.
The course is lectured by:
- Siri Aas Rustad, PRIO
- Andreas Forø Tollefsen, PRIO
- Kristian Berg Harpviken, PRIO
- Henrik Urdal, PRIO
- Scott Gates, UiO
- Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, PRIO
Students are encouraged to write a course essay (deadline to be announced). The essays will be marked on a pass/fail basis, and successful essays will be awarded with 5 ECTS.
The course is free of charge, but students will have to cover their own travel and accommodation costs.
PhD candidates get priority, but others with graduate studies from a relevant discipline may apply as well. In this course is also open for policy-makers and relevant practitioners.
For further information and for the submission of your application, please visit the research school's course page.