On 4-6 December a group of 17 representatives of government institutions and NGOs from Norway and Poland participated in a workshop organized by the ‘Trust Across Borders’ project. The workshop in Oslo was a meeting space for professionals working in and with child welfare services and inclusion of migrants in Poland and in Norway, across different institutions and organizations.
The aim of this closed workshop was to foster dialogue on challenges related to migrants’ trust in state institutions, in both Norway and Poland. The overarching objective is to exchange experiences about concrete practices on how to enhance trust in the child and social welfare services in both countries.
To achieve this, the workshop – the first of two – consisted of interactive exercises: case study discussions with allocation of roles, exchanges on practical examples in small groups, elements of design thinking, development of a three-language glossary of key terms, and reflection sessions in pairs. Plenary sessions also allowed for the sharing of diverging views and frustrations related to challenges of trust – and lack of trust – in the child welfare services among migrants. The group of participants quickly established good working relationships, thus enabling valuable and respectful exchanges on sometimes challenging issues.
To read more about the workshop, follow this link to the event page.
For the full participant list click here.
This project is funded by the EEA bilateral fund Poland, working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
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