The Research School on Peace and Conflict invites applications for the PhD course on Dynamics of Armed Conflict to take place at PRIO in Oslo on 20-24 April 2020. The course is organized in collaboration with the University of Oslo and PRIO.
The deadline for applications is 1 March 2020.
This course provides an overview and critical assessment of contemporary research on armed conflict. It will be in equal measure backward looking, assessing the state of the art and what have we learned; and future oriented, exploring cutting-edge issues and challenges.
Scott Gates: Professor at the Department of political Science, University of Oslo, and Research Professor at PRIO.
Jeffrey T. Checkel: Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute (Florence), and PRIO Global Fellow.
The course is free of charge, but students will have to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. PhD students will normally be prioritized.
The course equals 10 ECTS (with approved essay) according to the standards of the University of Oslo.
Please visit the course pagefor further information and to submit your application.