What does it mean for a military operation when a gender perspective based on UN Security Council Resolution 1325 should be integrated in the daily work? The question is interesting if one considers that such ‘gender integration’ has to take place on every level of this male-dominated institution. This article study of the gender-integration process in the 2008 Nordic Battlegroup and connects the analysis of the process with ongoing national and international developments. In interpreting the content of the resolution in practical assignments and capacity building it is found that ambiguous interpretations at the highest levels have resulted in difficult decisions and conflict at the lower levels. Moreover, gender integration is caught up in discussions related to professional identity. To some extent the approach to connect resolution 1325 with ‘operational effectiveness’ is resulting in decreasing resistance.
Olsson, Louise (2013) Militära insatser och FN:s säkerhetsrådsresolution 1325. Lärdomer om genusintegreringsprocesser från den Nordiska snabbinsatsstyrkan [Military operations and UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Lessons on the gender integration process from the Nordic Battle Group], Internasjonal Politikk 71 (3): 303–326.