The State of the World Atlas


Smith, Dan (1999) The State of the World Atlas. London & New York: Penguin.

Myriad Editions Web Site

This book has also been published in German and French
Atlas du nouvel état du monde, Paris:Autrement
Der Fischer Atlas zur Lage der Welt, Frankfurt aM:Fischer Contents

Part One: People
Population Population and population growth * Life Expectancy * Life expectancy; drinking water; basic * health care * Nutrition * Nutrition and malnutrition * The Quality of Life * Relative social development * Inequality * Real purchasing power inequalities * Age Ageing populations and ecomically-active * over-60s
Part Two: The Global Economy
World Markets * Inflation, stock markets, and global economic trends * Trade and Industry * Manufacturing; imports and exports * Tourism * Revenue, tourists, and destinations * Investment * Foreign direct investment; transnational * corporations * Debt * Budget deficits, debt service and aid * National Income Gross National Product and purchasing power
Part Three: Work
Jobs * Numbers in industry, agriculture, and services * Women Working * Proportions; management; wages; maternity provision * Unemployment Numbers; trends; youth * Working Abroad Numbers and flow of wages
Part Four: Politics
Political Systems * Democracies, dictatorships, and states in transition * Military Spending * Changes in and shares of world military spending * Armed Forces * Military personnel; women; opposition groups * War * Wars, death, and landmines * Peacekeeping UN and other peacekeeping operations * Refugees * Flight, internal displacement, and host * countries * Human Rights * Abuse of human rights and capital punishment
Part Five: Society
Ethnicity Proportion of ethnic, national, or racial * minorities * Literacy * Adult illiteracy and numbers reaching Grade * * Gender Equality * Gender-related development index * Religion * State tolerance and intolerance * Sexual Freedom Homosexuality; transsexuality * Reproductive Rights * Abortion; contraception; teenage pregnancies * Health Risks * HIV/AIDS; diabetes, major causes of death * Smoking * Tobacco consumption and production * Communications * Telephoes, cellphones, and the internet * Media Television, film, newspapers
Part Six: Sustaining the Earth
Cities * Urban populations; megacities; water use * Traffic * Vehicles, fuel consumption, and congestion * Food * Grain production and consumption * Energy * Energy use; importers and exporters * Global Warming * Carbon dioxide emissions and global temperatures * Forests * Deforestation and reforestation * Biodiversity * Protected land areas and threatened species
World Table
Commentary on the maps
Select Bibliography

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