Workshop Program

Tuesday, June 29

10.00 - 11.30: Ragnar Torvik: Institutions and the Resource Curse

(with Halvor Mehlum and Kalle Moene)

11.30-13.00: Nils Petter Gleditsch: The resource data curse 13.00-14.00: Lunch14.00-15.30: Stergios Skaperdas: Globalization and domestic conflict 15.30-17.00: Todd Sandler: Too Much of a Good Thing? The Proactive Dilemma (with Matteo Cervellati and Laurence, Kranich)*** Wednesday, June 30****9.00-10.30: Halvor Mehlum and Kalle Moene: So much fighting, so little success10.30-12.00: Scott Gates: Modeling the Duration of Civil Wars: Measurement and Estimation Issues12.00-13.00: Lunch 13.00-14.30: Kristian Harpviken: Afghanistan14.30-16.00: Chris Butler: Prescription or Prediction: Testing the Robustness of the Nash Bargaining Solution (with Mary J. Bellman, and Oraz A. Kichiyev)Most likely postponed till next time:(16.00-17.30: Joan Esteban: The Social Contract with Endogenous Sentiments (with Matteo Cervellati and Laurence, Kranich)Postponed till next time: (for various reasons)Jim Robinson: Columbia Jens Chr. Andvig: Child SoldiersHalvor Mehlum and Kalle Moene: Afghanistan -- the fight of everybody against all Clara Ponsati: Mediation*