The Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations, the Praia Group on Governance Statistics, Saferworld and Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) invites you to an interactive discussion on Monitoring SDG16: How to measure conflict deaths - during the 47th Session of the United States Statistical Commission.

Counting conflict deaths is a moral, legal, and humanitarian imperative – and also a central measure of peace. Captured in SDG16, peace has been identified by Member States as one of five development priorities for the world. For this reason, the IAEG-SDGs has endorsed indicator 16.1.2 on “conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population”.

While challenging, recent advances in measuring conflict deaths show that global monitoring is methodologically feasible. Indeed, robust data already exists. This interactive workshop will include presentations from expert practitioners followed by an open discussion on the way forward for the IAEG-SDGs as it explores definitions, methodologies and sources.