A workshop series for early-career researchers 2008–2010
Publishing in international peer-reviewed journals is increasingly important to researcher careers. Journal articles are also an excellent way of making research known to a larger audience. The International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) in collaboration with the Sussex Centre for Migration Research (SCMR) at the University of Sussex is organizing a training programme in international publishing for early-career migration researchers, starting in December 2008. The purpose of the programme is to stimulate publishing in international peer-reviewed journals by researchers in the field of international migration and ethnic relations. This is achieved by bringing together a group of twelve participants in four workshops over a two-year period, with a combined programme of specialized training and discussion of individual texts.
PRIO stands out within Norwegian migration research with a strong international publication record. Researchers at PRIO have published in, and acted as referees for, most of the leading journals in the field. Furthermore PRIO is home to the two highest-ranking international social science journals edited in Norway, Journal of Peace Research and Security Dialogue. Sussex Centre for Migration Research (SCMR) is one of Europe’s principal research environments in international migration and ethnic relations. The centre currently hosts more than 30 doctoral students. One of the top international journals in the field, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS), is edited at SCMR. In addition, co-director of SCMR, Richard Black, is co-editor of Journal of Refugee Studies.
About the programme
The participants were selected during the summer of 2008. The group meets at six-month intervals: December 2008 (Oslo), May/June 2009 (Sussex), November/December 2009 (Oslo) and May/June 2010 (Sussex). Each workshop lasts for two days. The training consists of five modules:
The publishing process: a detailed overview of the process of publishing in international peer-reviewed journals, not only from the authors’ point of view, but also from the positions of editorial managers, editors, and reviewers.
Systematic mapping of journals in the field: an introduction to relevant journals, including a comparison of thematic coverage, article format and citation patterns.
The journal article format: discussions of the challenges and opportunities of the journal article format, including the framing of articles, their structure, and the presentation of qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Language and style: addressing the challenge of writing academic English of sufficient quality for international publishing.
Publishing strategy and career development: helping participants make strategic choices about their own publishing, for instance in relation to co-authoring with colleagues or supervisors.
In addition to the training modules, the programme is based on peer-review within the group and plenary discussions on specific manuscripts.
Lecturers in the programme include the following: Professor and Co-editor Richard Black, Senior Researcher Jørgen Carling (programme co-ordinator), Language Editor John Carville, Senior Researcher Cindy Horst, Professor and Editor Russell King, Managing Editor Glenn Martin, Managing Editor Marit Moe-Pryce, and Editorial Manager Jenny Money.
 | Naluwembe Binaisa (University of Sussex) Nalu is a DPhil student in the Sussex Centre for Migration Research. Her thesis seeks to explore the way in which migrants' lives continue to be marked by the notions of mobility and 'otherness' that potentially negate differentials of migration trajectory, status or lengevity of stay. |
 | Susanne Bygnes (University of Bergen) Susanne is a sociologist focusing on gender and diversity. She has field work experience from India, but is currently focusing on Norwegian and transnational organisations. |
 | Francesca Conti (University of Sussex) Francesca has studied anthropology, history and sociology. Her research interests include emerging typologies of intra-European mobilities and graduate migration. She is doing fieldwork in both Italy and United Kingdom. |
 | Marta Bivand Erdal (University of Oslo/Peace Research Institute, Oslo) Marta is a human geographer with fieldwork experience among Pakistanis and Tamils. Her research interests include migrant transnationalism and migrants’ contributions to development in countries of origin. |
 | Inês Hasselberg (University of Sussex) Inês is an anthropologist with fieldwork experience in Mozambique regarding HMA and firearm-related violence. Currently her research interests centre on processes of forced return migration in the UK, and lived experiences of citizenship. |
 | Ilse van Liempt (University of Sussex) Ilse is a human geographer interested in the politics of mobility. For her Phd research she did extensive fieldwork among smuggled migrants in the Netherlands. Her current research is on secondary movements of Somalis within the European Union. |
 | Ceri Oeppen (University of Sussex) Ceri is a human geographer specialising in migration studies. Her current research is about the transnational activities of Afghan professionals living in the USA and UK and their role in the future of Afghanistan. |
 | Therese Sandrup (University of Oslo) Therese is a social anthropologist. She is currently doing her PhD on Turkish labour migration at the University of Oslo (Culcom). Therese has a particular interest in kinship, ethnicity and transnationalism. |
 | Janine Givati-Teerling (University of Sussex) Janine is a PhD candidate at the Sussex Centre for Migration Research, currently conducting ethnographic research on the 'return home' of British-born Cypriots. Her interests include diasporas, transnationalism and identity; return migration; home and belonging. |
 | Sarvendra Tharmalingam (University of Oslo) Tharma is a PhD research fellow at University of Oslo. He has background in business studies, science, society and technology studies (ESST) and development studies. His current PhD project is about transnational life of Tamils and Somalis in Norway with a special focus on impacts of remittance sending. |
 | Alexander Tymczuk (University of Oslo) Alexander is a PhD student in Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo. In his PhD project he focuses on notions and practices of child care among Ukraininan labor migrants in Spain. |
 | Besim Can Zirh (University College London/University of Oslo) Besim studied sociology and political science. Currently he is doing his PhD at UCL - Anthropology. His research insterests include transnational migration and diaspora politics. He is specifically studying Turkish immigrant communities in Europe. |
Photos from Workshop 2 (Sussex, May 2009)

Photos from Workshop 4 (Sussex, May 2010)