Like every year since 1969, the University of Oslo and PRIO join forces to organise a Peace Research Course, as part of the International Summer School (ISS).
This six weeks course will provide a general introduction to peace and conflict studies, alongside with specific thematic and geographical case studies. This year’s program includes a variety of brilliant lecturers who will introduce the students to various topics including conflict trends, causes and dynamics of conflict escalation, power sharing, peacebuilding, gender aspects etc.
As per tradition, students will also be introduced to the famous cabin life of Norway with a three-day retreat in the forest North of Oslo. There, the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue (NCPD) will host a workshop with peacebuilding and reconciliation exercises. For those who make it to the cabin after a long walk that is. 😉
More than 100 applicants showed their interest in the course, and only 22 will have the chance to participate to this year’s course. These highly qualified students come from all corners of the world to learn about peace, including Pakistan, Uganda, Iran, Montenegro, Brazil, Ghana etc. Their interesting backgrounds and motivation already announce rich and interesting exchanges and debates.
The course starts on the 22nd of June and lasts until the 30th of July. This year’s course coordinators are PRIO’s Wenche Hauge and Anne Duquenne.