From 5–16 March 2018, the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security and the UNDP Oslo Governance Center will host the third cohort of UN Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs) in Oslo for a Fellowship Programme on the topic of ‘Gender Responsive Peacebuilding’.
Selected PDAs working at country level will have the opportnity to explore in-depth the topic of 'Gender Responsive Peacebuilding' and generate new insights and knowledge on the topic. They will get an opportunity to reflect on their work supporting gender responsive peacebuilding at the local and national level, and identify both the added value and challenges that they have observed.
During the course of the programme, the PDAs will be able to contribute to suggesting recommendations for strengthening gender responsive peacebuilding.
PRIO Senior Researcher Wenche Hauge is responsible for coordinating the 2018 programme at PRIO, together with PRIO's Deputy Director and PRIO GPS Centre Director Torunn L. Tryggestad and PRIO GPS Centre Coordinator Linn Marie Reklev.
https://gps.prio.org/Training/Project/?x=52[Learn more about the programme here.](https://gps.prio.org/Training/Project/?x=52)