We welcome abstracts for papers to be presented at the research symposium on 'Micro-level dynamics of migrant transnationalism'. This symposium will bring together presentations of recent empirical research on migrant transnationalism, from around the world, drawing on original qualitative or quantitative data. Deadline for abstract submission - 20 June 2021. The symposium will take place 24 September in Maastricht, the Netherlands (and online if need be). Organised by the IMISCOE Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism.
- When: 24 September 2021
- Where: Maastricht, the Netherlands (and online if need be)
- Organiser: Standing Committee on Migrant Transnationalism, IMISCOE
- Abststract submission by 20 June via this link.
Transnational practices involving migrants and their non-migrant friends and relatives, across contexts, include a diverse set of activities, spanning the social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. Typically research on transnational practices has addressed remittances, family relations, care responsibilities, visits and returns of different duration, development engagements, as well as political participation, such as external voting. While the body of research on select aspects of the micro-level dynamics of exchange, such as communication, imagination, and (a)symmetry within transnational social fields, is substantial, other areas remain to be further explored, also in a broader range of geographic contexts.
We invite papers which address new questions, as well as those interrogating evidence offered in existing research with new data. Doctoral candidates, early career researchers and established scholars are all welcome to submit abstracts.
This symposium is organized by the IMISCOE standing committee on Migrant Transnationalism (MITRA). It will be a one-day event, which we hope will be in-person (but will go online if necessary). It is a single-stream event, with a limited number of paper presentations. The symposium will be small-scale in format with no more than 15-20 participants. Attendance, coffee/tea, lunch and a dinner will be provided free of cost to selected participants. Travel and accommodation will not be covered.
Abstracts of 150-200 words must be submitted via the online submission form by 20 June 2021. We will notify applicants about the outcome of the selection by 30 June 2021. The selection will be made based on relevance to the call and the quality of contributions.