What are the challenges that women face on the path to professorship?
Before they can submit an application for promotion, they need to feel ready – both that they have met the criteria and that they are likely to be successful.
In her doctoral thesis, “Ready or Not: Negotiating Gender and Identity on the Path to Professorship,” Lynn P. Nygaard takes her point of departure in the observation that producing academic publications (especially in international journals) is central to meeting these criteria, but publishing is not the only thing academics are expected to do.
Using an ethnographic approach to look at the writing practices of women at PRIO, Nygaard examines how they prioritize different kinds of writing, how they decide when something is good enough, how they make time for writing compared to other things, and so on. She examines how the sites of negotiation that women face in their everyday writing practices can affect readiness.
Dr. Nygaard will present the main findings from her doctoral research, which will be followed by questions and comments from Helene Aarseth, Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo, and Ella Ghosh, Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF).
Light refreshments will be served.