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Felice, William F (2016) The Ethics of Interdependence: Global Human Rights and Duties. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. x, 187 p.

Fics, Kristian TP (2017) Healing Through the Bones: Empowerment and the Process of Exhumations in the Context of Cyprus. Lanham, MD: Hamilton. x, 171 p.

Fidell, Eugene R (2016) Military Justice: a Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. xxi, 133 p.

Goldberg, Rachel M, ed. (2016) Faith & Practice in Conflict Resolutiion: Toward a Multidimensional Approach. Boulder, CO: Kumarian Press. viii, 227 p.

Greitens, Sheena Chestnut (2016) Dictators and Their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xix, 324 p.

Kroth, Jerry (2016) The Psychic Immune System: a Hidden Epiphenomenon of the Body's Own Defenses. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. xi, 283 p.

Lee, Kim Chew (2015) ISEAS: Studying Southeast Asia. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing. xix, 201 p.

McMahon, Sean F (2017) Crisis and Class War in Egypt: Social Reproduction, Factional Realignments and the Global Political Economy. London: Zed Books. xii, 228 p.

Miller, Paul D (2016) American Power and Liberal Order: a Conservative Internationalist Grand Strategy. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. xvi, 323 p.

Newman, Michael (2016) Six Authors in Search of Justice: Engaging with Political Transitions. London: Hurst. xii, 315 p.

Opello, Walter C (2016) War, Armed Force , and the People: State Formation and Transformation in Historical Perspective. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. xix, 304 p.

Reyna, Stephen P (2016) Deadly Contradictions: the New American Empire and Global Warring. New York: Berghahn. xx, 586 p.

Roland, Alex (2016) War and Technology: a Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. xvi, 135 p.

Sadan, Mandy, ed. (2016) War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar: the Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011. Copenhagen: NIAS Press.

Spangler, Eve (2015) Understanding Israel/Palestine: Race, Nation, and Human Rights in the Conflict. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. xxii, 302 p.

Sumser, John (2016) The Conflict Between Secular and Religious Narratives in the United States: Wittgenstein, Social Construction, and Communication. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. xiv, 169 p.

Woodruff, Paul (2014) The Ajax Dilemma: Justice, Fairness, and Rewards. New York: Oxford University Press. xiv, 251 p.