Balcells, Laia (2017) Rivalry and Revenge: the Politics of Violence During Civil War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xvi, 263 p.

Carlsson, Ulla & Pöyhtäri, Reeta, eds (2017) The Assault on Journalism: Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression. Göteborg: Nordicom. 363, 8, 5 p.

Chrystal, Paul (2017) Women at War in the Classical World. Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military. xxi, 249 p.

Etzioni, Amitai (2017) Avoiding War with China: Two Nations, One World. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press. vii, 202 p.

Hassner, Ron Eduard (2016) Religion on the Battlefield. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 222 p.

Junk, Julian, et al. (2017) The Management of UN Peacekeeping: Coordination, Learning, and Leadership in Peace Operations. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. ix, 433 p.

Kelley, Judith G (2017) Scorecard Diplomacy: Grading States to Influence Their Reputation and Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xxi, 355 p.

Kissane, Bill (2016) Nations Torn Asunder: the Challenge of Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press. ix, 285 p.

Lacina, Bethany (2017) Rival Claims: Ethnic Violence and Territorial Autonomy Under Indian Federalism. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. xviii, 261 p.

McCauley, John F (2017) The Logic of Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xix, 233 p.

McDougal, Topher L (2017) The Political Economy of Rural-urban Conflict: Predation, Production, and Peripheries. New York: Oxford University Press. xiv, 215 p.

Plesch, Dan (2017) Human Rights After Hitler: the Lost History of Prosecuting Axis War Crimes. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. xx, 251 p.

Rüger, Jan (2017) Heligoland: Britain, Germany, and the Struggle for the North Sea. New York: Oxford University Press. ix, 370 p.

Robinson, Anthony & Young, Annemarie (2017) Young Palestinians Speak: Living Under Occupation. Northampton, MA: Interlink Books. 118 p.

Steger, Manfred B (2017) Globalization: a Very Short Introduction. 4th ed.. New York: Oxford University Press. xxvi, 148 p.

Te Brake, Wayne P (2017) Religious War and Religious Peace in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xv, 396 p.