PRIO researchers have contributed to a Special Issue of Internasjonal Politikk [International Politics]. This NUPI based Norwegian language journal is available here.
One article is co-authored by PRIO researchers Louise Olsson and Birthe Einen together with Niels Nagelhus Schia (NUPI), focusing on the knowledge-based pillar of Norway’s role in the Security Council. This article builds on the experience from the Dialogue Forum Series which PRIO organized together with NUPI and the MFA and presents how the Forum contributed to knowledge exchanges between scholars and decision-makers, considering increasing demands for the societal impact of research. By shedding light on the experiences with the Dialogue Forum, the article illustrates how such processes of knowledge exchange and potential societal contributions can manifest in practice, while also enhancing the understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with the relationship between knowledge and policy.
The second article is written by PRIO Deputy Director Torunn L. Tryggestad, and is titled “Women, Peace and Security” in the UN Security Council: Norwegian Efforts and Status-building”. This article is reviewing Norway's efforts in advancing the women, peace and security agenda while on the Council. Within the UN system and in the diplomatic community in New York, Norway was acknowledged in particular for initiating a number of measures to strengthen the UN Security Council’s work on “Women, Peace and Security” (WPS). By working systematically and targeted, Norway contributed, among other things, to increasing the number of women briefers to the Council, and to strengthening the operationalization of previous commitments on WPS in the UN’s operational activities. The article also discusses the capability of Norway together with other elected members to navigate, build alliances and negotiate at the Council despite the pandemic and a hostile diplomatic climate between veto powers.