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Wednesday, 5 Jun 2024
PRIO at Arendalsuka 2024

Arendalsuka is an annual Norwegian political festival that brings together politicians, journalists, policy makers, aid organisations, civil society and the private sector.

Monday, 10 Jun 2024
New data shows record number of armed conflicts

Last year saw the highest number of state-based conflicts since 1946. In addition, the past three years were the most violent in the last three decades, according to new conflict trend analysis.

PRIO Paper
Conflict Trends: A Global Overview, 1946–2023

PRIO Paper

Tuesday, 26 Mar 2024
2024 Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East

The Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East is a joint initiative of IBEI, Blanquerna, DIPLOCAT and IEMED.

Thursday, 15 Feb 2024
JPR Best Visualization Award – 2023 Announcement

The JPR Best Visualization Award 2023 goes to Omar García-Ponce, Lauren E Young, & Thomas Zeitzoff

Wednesday, 7 Feb 2024
Nobel Peace Prize 2024: PRIO Director’s Shortlist Announced

The Director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Henrik Urdal, announced his shortlist today for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, with election observers topping the list.

Sunday, 4 Feb 2024
Senior Researcher Mete Hatay comments in The Telegraph, on the building boom and the increase in population in north Cyprus.

"Over the past ten years the north’s population has swelled from 300,000 to 550,000, largely as a result of an influx from Turkey...

Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024
Prio Invites Journalists to Apply for Residence Linked to Groundbreaking Research

PRIO hosts six research projects funded by prestigious grants for Europe’s most groundbreaking research. There is now an opportunity for journalists to spend 3-5 months at the institute and engage with these projects.

Journal Article
Judiciary Institutions and Violent Crime in American Indian Nations

Journal article in Governance

Popular Article
Before the flood: Lessons from attempts to predict displacement

Popular article in New Security Beat

Journal Article
Societal determinants of flood-induced displacement

Journal article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Thursday, 14 Dec 2023
Number of Grave Violations against Children in Conflict Rose 13% in 2022 to Average 76 a Day

New report shows 27,638 grave violations against children in conflict took place in 2022.

Book Review
Number One Realist: Bernard Fall and Vietnamese Revolutionary Warfare

Book review in H-Diplo/RJSSF Review Essays

En kort introduksjon til Vietnamkrigen


Policy Brief
Children Affected by Armed Conflict, 1990–2022

Conflict Trends

Journal Article
Left Further Behind after the COVID-19 School Closures: Survey Evidence on Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Bangladesh

Journal article in Journal on Education in Emergencies

Journal Article
Intergenerational Immobility: A Legacy of Racial Violence

Journal article in Security Studies

Friday, 17 Nov 2023
Refugees and other migrants arriving in Norway - a 'humanitarian crisis'?

How did the arrival of growing numbers of refugees and other migrants in a non-violent setting and high-income country like Norway become framed as a ‘humanitarian crisis’? Is there a humanitarian crisis if nobody dies?

Journal Article
If ‘it all breaks down’: The Norwegian refugee crisis as a geography of chaos

Journal article in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space

Policy Brief
Conflict Trends in the Middle East, 1989–2022

Conflict Trends

Policy Brief
Conflict Trends in Africa, 1989–2022

Conflict Trends

Policy Brief
Conflict Trends in Asia, 1989–2022

Conflict Trends

Sunday, 22 Oct 2023
Data on Migration Desires Come Mainly from High-Income Countries

Scientists who study migration often use surveys about people's aspirations, desires, or plans to migrate. New work by PRIO researchers shows that these valuable data are unevenly distributed, often inaccessible, and poorly documented when they ar...

Tuesday, 24 Oct 2023
Afghanistan Ranks Bottom of Global Index on Women’s Status

Afghanistan ranks worst of 177 countries in terms of the status of women, according to this year’s Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Index launched today in New York.

Book Chapter
Opportunities and Challenges for Conflict Resolution and Border Delimitation in the Eastern Mediterranean post Israel-Lebanon Agreement

Book chapter in IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2023 - Strategic Sectors | Security & Politics

Monday, 9 Oct 2023
DIGeMERGE panel at the 7th International Crisis Communication Conference, ECREA

DIGeMERGE organized a panel at the 7th International Crisis Communication Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden (5-7 October 2023), organized by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).

Friday, 29 Sep 2023
Nobel Peace Prize 2023: PRIO Director’s Shortlist Announced

​The director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Henrik Urdal, updated his shortlist today for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize, with human rights activists topping the list.

Thursday, 7 Sep 2023
RedLines project represented at the AHRI conference

RedLines project member Manuel E. Salamanca Rangel presented his paper titled "Pracademics: Research, protection and Support of Human Rights Defenders" at the Bilbao meeting of the Association of Human Rights Institutes.

Monday, 28 Aug 2023
Norway in the Security Council

PRIO researchers contribute to Special Issue of Internasjonal Politikk [International Politics].

Tuesday, 8 Aug 2023
PRIO at Arendalsuka 2023

​Arendalsuka is an annual Norwegian political festival that brings together politicians, journalists, policy makers, aid organisations, civil society and the private sector.

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