PRIO leads the EU-funded project MIGNEX, which seeks to produce new knowledge on migration, development and policy. The project runs over five years, until 2023, and has a total budget of €5 Million, shared between nine institutions. The comprehensive project website was launched on 3 April, at mignex.org. It is a standalone site based on the project's own branding.
The website has been developed to facilitate content sharing between the site itself, electronic publications, and a quarterly e-mail newsletter, which will be launched later this spring.
An innovative feature is the presentation of every publication in the project plan, including forthcoming ones. Users can sign up to be alerted when a specific publication is released, several years into the future. Such advance planning, which is required in EU-funded projects, is thereby turned into a tool for more effective dissemination.
The development of the website has been a collaborative effort between PRIO (project lead), the Oveseas Development Institute (communications lead), and Soapbox, a London-based creative agency specialized in supporting policy, research and advocacy organisations.
The MIGNEX team at PRIO includes the project leadership (Jørgen Carling and Anne Duquenne) and two researchers (Marta Bivand Erdal and Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert). Tony Wai On Yam has provided valuable assistance for the website launch.