Gudrun Østby and Sebastian Schutte are replacing Scott Gates as Editors-in-Chief of the journal, while Juliane Stötter replaces Bertrand Lescher-Nuland as Managing Editor.
The Research Council of Norway announced funding for 21 new projects this week. PRIO was delighted at the funding of two of its projects.
New report shows 27,638 grave violations against children in conflict took place in 2022.
This week Save the Children launched its new report Stop the War on Children: The Forgotten Ones.
The Fulbright Alumni Association Norway (FAAN) has by scholarly committee awarded Gudrun the Fulbright Article Prize for 2022.
Every year, JPR publishes special issues on topics of high relevance to the field of peace research, and we are now soliciting proposals for the 2024 special issue.
Today, Save the Children launched its new report Stop the War on Children: A crisis of recruitment.
Save the Children's report Stop the War on Children: A crisis of recruitment shows that, in 2020, almost all children in Syria and Yemen were at risk of recruitment by armed actors.
The PRIO GPS Centre contributes to a new course on Gender, Peace and Conflic at the Centre for Gender Research (STK) at the University of Oslo, taking place for the first time this autumn.
Gudrun Østby will be the Research Director of the research department Conditions of Violence and Peace from 1 August.
PRIO has conducted a study for Save the Children estimating the number of children at risk of experiencing wartime sexual violence.
The Young Academy of Norway has announced their new members for the period 2020-2024.
Security Dialogue (SD) and the Journal of Peace Research (JPR) remain in the top quartile of journal rankings.
The amount of humanitarian aid allocated to education doubled between 2015 and 2018 and Norway has reached the global goal of allocating 4% of their humanitarian aid to the sector.
Save the Children has released its 2020 report on children in conflict.
Can governments reduce violent crime by increasing education, and if so, under what conditions?Mauricio Rivera has received FINNUT funding from the Research Council of Norway for the 4-year project The Crime-Reducing Effect of Education: Disaggregating Education and Impact on Violent Crime (CREED).
Scott Gates is taking over from Gudrun Østby as Editor of the Journal of Peace Research.
PRIO's Journal of Peace Research is in the top quartile of International Relations and Political Science citation ranking.
The number of people killed in wars is the lowest in seven years.
The Norwegian Research Council’s program NORGLOBAL2 held its kick-off meeting for newly funded research projects at NORAD, on 25 April 2019, with participants from the MFA, NORAD, RCN, and researchers involved in the projects.
Save the Children has released its 2019 report on children in conflict.
An assessment of the possible consequences of Plan S for publishing, research quality and research environments
PRIO oppfordrer alle forskere som er enige i oppropets innhold, til å undertegne.
PRIO has long been a leader in researching gender-based violence in conflicts; this issue has been the subject of extensive research interest at PRIO.
I en ny rapport krever forskere fra Institutt for fredsforskning (PRIO) og Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) en konsekvensutredning av ‘Plan S’.
The Research Council of Norway’s NORGLOBAL funding has been decided for the 2018 round of applications.
PRIO Director Henrik Urdal and Senior Researchers Gudrun Østby and Siri Aas Rustad took part in a workshop on maternal and child health in conflict situations at the Wilson Center 28 August.
Clarivate has just announced their 'Journal citation report', containing the most influential ranking of academic journals.
In 2017, approximately 90,000 people died as the direct result of armed conflict.
Save the children today published the War on Children report, which shows that the number of children living in conflict zones have increased by 75% in the last 20 years.