How did the arrival of growing numbers of refugees and other migrants in a non-violent setting and high-income country like Norway become framed as a ‘humanitarian crisis’? Is there a humanitarian crisis if nobody dies?
Call for Papers for an international symposium & workshop, 9-10 November 2023.
On 1 June, the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security, and the University of Oslo's Centre for Gender Research (STK) hosted the launch of the EuroWARCHILD project.
Interview with Harry Tzimitras
The new book Citizen Humanitarianism at European Borders, edited by Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert and Elisa Pascucci explores the emerging trend of citizen-led forms of aid at the borders of Europe, in a time of escalating conflict between states and NGOs engaged in migrant search and rescue operations across the Mediterranean.
(ERC Consolidator Grant programme)
On 28-30 September 2021, the RegulAIR project team attended the first-ever international drone incursion exercise at a fully operational airport.
Katrine Fangen, Professor at the University of Oslo and member of the PRIO project 'Reaching Out to Close the Border: The Transnationalization of Anti-Immigration Movements in Europe (MAM)' was recently interviewed in framtida.
In a new article recently published in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Bruno Oliveira Martins and Maria Gabrielsen Jumbert analyze the dynamics surrounding the adoption of technologies for EU border control.
In a recent article entitled "Energy and Sovereignty in the new Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean" published in the Oxford Energy Forum, PRIO Cyprus Centre researcher Zenonas Tziarras asks how much of the recent crises can really be attributed to hydrocarbons, given other underlying issues and a history of regional tensions.
PRIO has now joined the European Network of non-proliferation and disarmament think tanks, established by the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium.
It is a paradox that anti-immigration movements, whose key concern is opposing mobility across borders and who advocate isolationism, nationalism and cultural traditionalism, often work transnationally.
This year, the prize was awarded to Gunter Demning for his art project 'Stolpersteine' [Stumbling blocks], commemorating victims of national socialism in Europe 1933-1945.
Members from all five national branches of the Nordic Women Mediators (NWM) network will convene in Copenhagen, Denmark for a two-day annual meeting of the regional network on 21-22 November.
9-11 October, Oslo
PRIO Cyprus Centre has just been admitted to EuroMeSCo, the Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission, with full membership.
This workshop focuses on tensions and contestations in debates on what it means to be a good citizen and how lived experiences of citizens today challenge existing models of democracy.
11-13 October, Oslo
SOURCE Survey to investigate societal security in Europe
"Anti-Muslim prejudice in Europe: A multilevel analysis of survey data from 30 countries" by Zan Strabac and Ola Listhaug in Social Science Research
PRIO Paper
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Policy Brief
Journal article in Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Journal article in Contemporary European Politics
PRIO Policy Brief
Journal article in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Journal article in Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
MIGNEX Background paper
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Policy Brief
Journal article in European Security
Master thesis
PRIO Policy Brief
PRIO Paper
MidEast Policy Brief
Journal article in Canadian Journal of African Studies
Book chapter in Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Vol. 12
Book chapter in Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Volume 13